lørdag 24. september 2011

And again..

So I'm up like $2000 for the month or something. I'm not quite sure as I'm missing 70% of my hands, playing on different computers. Not happy at all with the current results. NEEDS to get better!

I'm still not gameselecting good enough, I'm toostubborn and I'm getting the fancy-play syndrome too often.

- Need to chose my games more carefully. (HAVE TO WORK ON THIS )
- need to run better in PLO.. Currently 17 Buy ins under EV which sucks.
- Need to focus on keeping my game straight forward when playing huge donkeys. I get into 3 streets bluffs way more often than i should. I am too stubborn!
- Need more hands.  If I'm lying in the bed watching a tv-show I might as well have a couple of $100 tables up waiting for the golden once.
- Gotta drink more water, been drinking too much unhealthy shit.

DISCIPLINE ... That's the key fuckin' word for winning in Poker.

Good night.

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