onsdag 3. august 2011

Introduction blogg

Okey so this is my first blogg. I've been planning to make a blogg for a while but I always  end up playing poker instead. But now I've sat out from the tables and I AM going to write this thing! Its going to be easier for Mark and Simon to keep up with my progression and all with me having this blogg. I'm also writing it for my own sake to keep sure my mind is focused on the correct things.
So first of all I'm going to write what I've achieved last month.

 We began playing later than planned because of all the things that just happened to Fulltiltpoker which meant i had like 4000$ ish locked down at UltimateBET and Fulltilt. So it took a few days until I could get back to playing again. I THINK i began playing the 5th of july. I had a really bad start running 10 buy-ins below EV at one point and down like $600.. So when i went to Germany the 8th I was stuck some money, which wasn't the best of feelings but whatever.  This is when i got to reflect on a lot of things while chillin' on da cruuuise ship sipping them pina-coladas or what ever its called . I thought a lot about it and understood my whole mindset had been completely wrong for the past two months. After a normal day of playing I usually just looked up my Hold'emManager graph to check how much i had been losing or winning. Then if I had been losing I'd be blaming it on bad luck or what ever, but feel like a champion if winning. What I really should have been doing is going over all the biggest winning and losing HANDS of the day and check how i played those. Preferably all pots above 50big blinds.  I should've not at all care about the results in terms money.
 While i was on vacation i had my Iphone with me with all of phil galfonds HeadsUp videos and 11 videos from cardrunners. When i got back the 14th I'd been watching like 20 hours of Heads-up poker and felt confident that I was going to learn and improve a lot in July.
Lucky for me I won around $400 the first day after i came back. This was indeed a great confident booster. But my whole mindset was also completely different now, I was thinking at a different level than before i left for Germany. The autopilot and the mindset that I was MEANT to win was gone.
I ended from being - $600 to being up like $2500 until i had a little down period the last day ending with around $2400 in profits. Even tho the $2400 really doesn't feel like much at all after 16days of playing I had greatly improved as a player which is worth sooo much more than the money I made. Feeling the power of becoming a better player is truly awesome. (It's a long time since I've worked this hard on my game).
So all in all I am really happy with July and I am truly looking forward to become even better in August.
Things I improved a lot on in July:
  • Table selecting. I've greatly improved on only playing the correct player type I feel confident on playing.
  • My mindset, It's completely changed and I am much more calm and confident when i play.
  • Putting people on correct ranges. I wasn't really thinking much of ranges when i began. I now constantly think about it which makes makes it easier to play.

My goals for August is going to be big. My motivation for this month is great so then my goals should be as well. My plan is to play as close to 40k hands as possible. Yes I am srsly serious. In one day I've managed to get in 5k hands and so I should be able to reach 40k with 20-22 days of playing so hopefully I wont be interrupted by any social occasions and not go out drinking more than once a week. I hope I get to play a lot and constantly try to learn. I will continue with reviewing hands after each day of playing. As  well as recording videos. I will hopefully come out with 2 videos this month. I made two videos last month but only uploaded one. This month I will have one live-recorded videos and one where I review between six and ten hands and explain my thought process.

I read this great great thread from the 2+2 forum. You might have read it. It's a guy that's been crushing 3/6 to 5/10 back in 2008-2011. He said that for those who knew the basic and the common poker strategies it was all in their mindset whether they won or not. THINK while you play and focus on the right things and you will become a winning player. Fair enough he was only playing 6-max but I think being in the right state, having the right focus will make you much more money than if you were "auto-piloting".  I'm sure I could autopilot and still be a winning player but it's not motivating and for obvious reasons isn't making you the most money.

Now I hope I haven't jinxed myself with all this positiveness. Each month has begun with me going breakeven after 5-10k hands. Lets see if can change this and be winning the first 5-10k hands!

Okey so this was my introduction blogg and I will keep updating regularly both for myself and others.
-  Peace out, Fred.

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