søndag 9. oktober 2011

wierdest day ever..


Still have the feeling that im running bad but perhaps its just an illusion since I'm playing many tables at the same time.. Had 6 up at one point today.

THis is the past 4 days.

its 12 pm now so it's time for me to go to bed.. zzzz

fredag 7. oktober 2011


Ended the day up 100.. Began horribly by losing 250 first couple of hours.

Felt good to atleast get some winnamentz at the end. moar grinding tomorrow.

torsdag 6. oktober 2011


down 300 today at 50nl..

Not even gonna bother to talk about how i ran.. I'm just tired, frustrated, slowly losing my motivation of all this bullshit. I don't get how I can lose vs these players that I'm playing. I Simply dont get it. Its complete retarded monkeys im playing versus. But still I end up losing. What the fuck is going on.